Why in Dubai?

High Real Estate Yields

Dubai’s property yields are among the highest in the world. The huge demand for rental properties, as well as the lack of taxes on rental income and property ownership in the UAE, allows investors to enjoy high rates of return on investment.

Growing GDP:

Oil contributes only a small part to Dubai’s GDP which in fact is mainly supported by tourism and the real estate market. The UAE central bank has grown more than 4.6% in 2023.

Tax Free:

The Dubai tax regime is characterized by the presence of significant special concessions with the aim of encouraging Investments in the country, thus offering the opportunity to attract excellence from all over the world, with a view to creating a terrain of unique international realities

Quality of life and Safety:

In addition to having established itself as an ideal destination for many tourists and investors, Dubai is also among the safest cities in the world. This factor, as well as clear and precise long-term planning, has attracted millions of people in recent years. In addition, Dubai has excellent and recognized services all over the world.

Stable currency:

The Dirham has been stably linked to the US Dollar since 1971 allowing you to buy with great security.

Investment guarantee:

Purchases protected by law thanks to the Escrow Account (guarantee fund).

Guaranteed income:

Rents are paid in advance by law.

Residential visa for 10 years:

Through the purchase of one or more properties in Dubai it is in fact possible to request a residential visa, up to a duration of 10 years in the case of the Golden Visa.

Credit Ratings:

The credit rating is a judgment on the solvency of a country. Emirates enjoys a very high degree of reliability with AA-. This establishes that the UAE is considered by international valuation companies to be a reliable country for investment.


It is the most sought-after tourist destination because it offers enormous opportunities. Our properties will be managed through a short-term market that will give tourists the opportunity to rent houses in Dubai on the days they set.

Growing housing needs:

The strength of Dubai is its population growth, the entry of new citizens is transformed into housing needs. For this reason we buy today in this magnificent city, because the demand far exceeds the offer.

Admission price:

The admission price is truly within everyone’s reach, it is possible to buy at a really convenient price per square metre. This will give us the opportunity to see the value of our properties grow in a few years.


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